If you are a qualified, registered voter in Liberty County, you are entitled to vote with a vote by mail ballot.
- All requests currently on file for Vote-By-Mail ballots are valid through the end of 2022.
- Vote-By-Mail ballot requests made after the November 2022 election will cover all elections through the end of the calendar year of the next scheduled general election.
- A person requesting a Vote-By-Mail ballot for themselves to an address on file must disclose: the voter's name, address, date of birth, and Florida driver's license number or Florida ID card number, or the last four digits of their social security number. A written request (paper, fax, or email) must also include the voter's signature.
- A request for a Vote-By-Mail ballot to be mailed to an address that is not on file can only be made in writing (paper, fax, or email). The request must include their name, address, date of birth, and Florida driver's license number or Florida ID card number, or the last four digits of their social security number. The request must also include the voter's signature.
- A designee requesting a Vote-By-Mail ballot on behalf of another must disclose: the voter's name, address, date of birth, and a Florida driver's license number, or Florida ID card number, or the last four digits of the voter's social security number, whichever may be verified in the voter's record. Additionally the designee must disclose: their name, address, relationship to the voter, and their driver's license number, or ID card number, or the last four digits of their social security number, if available. If the request is in writing (paper, fax, or email), the request must be signed by the requestor.
- A designee who is picking up or returning Vote-By-Mail ballots for another voter may ONLY lawfully possess their own ballot and those of immediate family members, in addition to two other ballots.
An overseas voter is: an absent uniformed services voter who, by reason of active duty or service, is absent from the United States on the date of the election; a person who resides outside the United States and is qualified to vote in the last place in which the person was domiciled before leaving the United States; or a person who resides outside the United States and, but for such residence, would be qualified to vote in the last place in which the person was domiciled before leaving the United States. Refer to Florida Statute 97.021(23) as amended by HB 131. For more information on overseas voters, click here.
Overseas vote by mail ballots will be mailed as soon as they are received from the printer, not later than 45 days prior to an election.
An absent uniformed services voter is a member of a uniformed service on active duty or a member of the merchant marine in service or the spouse or a dependent of such member who, by reason of the active duty or service, is absent from the place of residence where they would otherwise be qualified to vote. Refer to Florida Statute 97.021(2). For more information on military stateside voters, click here.
All vote by mail ballots other than overseas ballots will be sent out between 35-28 days prior to an election. If a request is submitted after that, they will be mailed out within 2 business days.
Please make sure our office has your correct mailing address on file, as vote by mail ballots cannot be forwarded.
IMPORTANT- The deadline to request a vote by mail ballot to be mailed is up to 5PM the 10th day before an election.
Pursuant to Florida law, a designee may only pick up a vote by mail for an voter five (5) days prior to an election. The vote by mail voter may designate in writing another person to obtain the ballot for them. The designee may only pick up two (2) vote by mail ballots per election other than their own or a member of their immediate family. All required information must be provided and the designee must provide photo identification and complete an affidavit. Click here for a copy of the Affidavit to Pick-up vote by mail Ballot for a Voter.
The voter must follow the instructions by signing the Voter's Certificate. The instructions are included with the ballot.
The ballot may be rejected as illegal if all information is not provided as instructed.
Voted vote by mail ballots must be received in the Supervisor of Elections office by 7 p.m. ET election day. A vote by mail ballot may be returned to the Supervisor of Election's Office, or by mail. There are exceptions for overseas voter. A voted vote by mail ballot cannot be accepted at a polling place.
If the signature on your Vote-By-Mail envelope is missing or does not match the signature we have on file in the voter registration system, we will try to contact you to correct the problem. You will need to complete a Vote-By-Mail Cure Affidavit and send the from to our office along with a photocopy of your ID. The deadline to fix the signature issue is 5 p.m. on the Thursday after Election Day. Click here for a signature cure affidavit.
Signatures change over time. You should update your signature on file with our office every few years. We must receive your signature update before we receive your ballot in order for us to use that updated signature in that election.
* Click here to request Vote-By-Mail ballot *
*Vote by Mail will be canvassed on Election Day starting at 3 pm. The canvassing board meeting is open to the public*